Our plans

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Planning begins with understanding our community’s aspirations for the future.

These aspirations then form the basis for a suite of integrated plans that set out the community’s vision and goals; and develop strategic actions to achieve them.

Our approach to Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) is based on the principles for local government as set out in Chapter 3 of the Local Government Act, and the legislated IP&R framework for NSW.

This integrated approach to strategic and operational planning, including resourcing, community engagement, monitoring and reporting, ensures everything we do is helping to build a strong, healthy, prosperous and resilient community.

The following diagram shows how Randwick City plans to ensure we are working towards achieving the community’s goals.

Community Strategic Plan

Community Strategic Plan PDF, 2119.05 KB

The Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is our 10-year plan that sits at the top of Council’s integrated planning and reporting framework. It incorporates state and regional planning priorities and sets the direction for all Council’s activities.

Randwick City Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS)

Local Strategic Planning Statement PDF, 5212.51 KB

The Randwick City Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) provides the framework for land use planning and decision making over the next 20 years.

The LSPS is consistent with the Community Strategic Plan and outlines our community’s land use vision. It provides clear planning priorities about where housing, jobs, infrastructure and open space should be located; and actions for delivery of these priorities.

The LSPS guides the content of Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).

Informing Strategies

Our suite of seven Informing Strategies sit in the middle of our framework. These strategies link the high-level outcomes of the Community Strategic Plan with Council’s day-to-day operations. They are the result of three years of research and consultation with the community.

Each strategy includes outcomes, objectives, strategic approaches and principles.

The outcomes provide a comprehensive picture of the Community’s aspirations for the future across all seven areas, and the objectives provide clear measurable ways of achieving these outcomes. Together they provide the basis for our community strategic plan.

The strategic approaches detail what Council will do to work towards achieving the outcomes and objectives over the next 10 years. These were used to develop Council’s 4-year delivery program and annual operational plan. Thereby ensuring that Council’s actions are directly aligned with achieving our Community’s aspirations.

Please refer to Related Plans, Studies and Reports for other reports associated with each of the seven informing strategy areas.

Resourcing Strategy

Resourcing Strategy PDF, 2450.56 KB

The Resourcing Strategy details how Council will provide the resources required to perform all its functions, including delivering the outcomes of our Community Strategic, while maintaining the long-term sustainability of the organisation.

Long-term Financial Planning

Asset Management Planning

Workforce Management Planning

Information Management and Technology Planning

Delivery Program and Operational Plan and Budget

2023-24 Operational Plan and Budget PDF, 15166.84 KB

The annual operational plan and delivery program operate together. Therefore, the 2023-24 Operational Plan includes our 2022-26 Delivery Program (which was originally adopted in June 2022).

The Delivery Program details what council intends to do to perform its functions in the 4-year period (2022-26). It outlines how Council will work towards delivering the outcomes of the 2022-2032 Community Strategic Plan (CSP), whilst still providing the ongoing services required by our community and complying with regulatory functions.

The 2023-24 Operational Plan is a one-year plan that spells out the detail of our 4-year Delivery Program, identifying individual projects and activities that will be undertaken in the 2023-24 financial year to work towards achieving the commitments made in the Delivery Program. The Operational Plan also includes council’s annual budget.

Community Engagement Strategy

Community Engagement Strategy PDF, 6286.7 KB

Council's Community Engagement Strategy (CES) outlines how and when Randwick City Council will engage with our community on planning, Council projects and other matters of relevance to the local community.

It sets out overarching principles, processes and techniques for community engagement. This CES is a Council-adopted strategy that outlines how Council will engage the community to inform decisions, prepared as a requirement under Section
402(A) of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Integrated Planning & Reporting (IP&R) Framework. It incorporates Council’s Community Participation Plan, which is required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act).

It was adopted by Council in December 2022 and is currently in effect.

Business Unit Planning and Services

Over the past three years, each of the 18 business units within Council have prepared comprehensive business unit plans mapping out their functions, processes and activities; as well as service catalogues detailing the services they provide.

As detailed in the diagram below, this work has now been combined with our seven informing strategies to create our integrated 2022-26 Delivery Program and 2022-23 Operational Plan that covers all the activities undertaken by Council to perform its functions. This includes delivering the outcomes of the CSP as well as providing ongoing services and regulatory functions.

Last Updated: 22 April 2024
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