Vermin & pests

Control of pests & vermin in Randwick

Randwick City Council receives a number of complaints and enquiries about a wide range of vermin and pests that share our environment. Council officers can investigate complaints about vermin and pests and advise or direct land owners and occupiers to implement appropriate measures to address the concerns.

Public land

Council will only implement vermin treatments where an infestation or risk to public health is on public land under the control of Randwick City Council.

Private land

Any infestation involving private land will be the responsibility of the landowner or occupier to control by engaging the services of a licensed pest controller.

Council's authorised officers can issue Notices and Orders under the Local Government Act 1993 on the owner or occupier of any land which is in an unsafe or unhealthy condition. This can include where conditions exist that may attract vermin such as through an accumulation of garbage or in respect to overgrown vegetation on land where vermin may be nesting.

Rats and mice

Rats and mice are common in all urban areas. They will live in a variety of places such as stormwater drains and under buildings. They feed on almost anything, including rubbish, pet food, food scraps, fruit, vegetables and nuts in gardens and pet faeces and can travel up to several blocks to find food and water.

For further information, please refer to Randwick City Councils Information Sheet on Rats PDF, 257.79 KB.


Cockroaches crawl through dirty areas and then cross contaminate clean surfaces tracking in lots of bacteria and germs. They can contaminate food and utensils by shedding their skins. Their cast off skin and waste by products are allergens that can trigger allergic reactions, asthma and other illnesses, especially in children.

For further information, please refer to Randwick City Councils Information Sheet on Cockroaches PDF, 213.54 KB.


Attracting pigeons to the area by feeding them will make it harder for native Australian wildlife to inhabit the area. Pigeons primarily eat seeds and grains but will happily eat human food scraps and leftovers where available. 

For further information, please refer to Randwick City Councils Information Sheet on Pigeons PDF, 108.25 KB.


Swarming bees are generally inclined not to sting provided they are left alone. The swarming season is usually between September and December as the warmer weather can stimulate colonies to increase in population.                                                                                                 

For further information on what to do in the case of bee swarms please visit the Department of Primary Industry                                                   

Council officers will respond and attend to any swarm that is occurring on public land, to help protect public health and safety.

Any that occur on private land are the responsibility of the land owner to remove through the services of a registered Beekeeper and the Amateur Beekeepers' Association of NSW provides information on swarm collectors.

If a nearby resident has concerns about bees on a neighbouring property, they are encouraged to liaise with the owner or occupier of the premises to resolve their concerns and if necessary, to seek advice from the Department of Primary Industry or a registered Beekeeper.

Ants and termites

Ants and other insects can often become a nuisance in the summer months when they can invade kitchens and pantries in large numbers in search of food.

Randwick City Council does not offer any pest control service in relation to controlling or eradicating ant or other insect infestations.

Over the counter treatments are available however the owners of affected premises should consult a licensed pest controller for further advice. 

Termites or "white ants" are a highly destructive pest as they can quickly affect the structural integrity of a property by destroying wooden framing and roof structures.

For further information and advice on controlling termites please visit the Australian Pest Controllers Association

Bed bugs

Bedbugs are small, rust brown coloured parasitic insects that feed exclusively on the blood of warm blooded animals. Although largely in decline through the middle part of the last century there has been a significant rise on the numbers of reported infestations since the late 1990's.

Bed bugs are a public health pest in that they can cause skin rashes and allergic symptoms.  Bed bugs will hide (and lay eggs) in a variety of household objects close to where humans sleep such as mattresses, bed frames, furniture, behind skirting boards, loose wallpaper and floorboards, and in cracks and crevices of walls and as such can often be difficult to treat and control.

Dwellings can become infested with bed bugs in a variety of ways, from:

  • Infested pets, clothing and luggage
  • Infested items (such as furniture or clothing) brought in
  • Nearby dwellings (through duct work or false ceilings)
  • Wild animals (such as bats or birds)
  • Transference from people visiting from a source of infestation.

They can be controlled by good housekeeping such as through regular vacuuming, the use of steam cleaners and regular washing of bed linen however severe infestations will generally require the application of an insecticide through the services of a licensed pest controller.

Infested areas including mattresses should be thoroughly vacuumed and the contents placed in a sealed plastic bag for disposal. Clothes and bedding suspected of being infested should be washed in hot water (at least 60oC) and hot tumble dried or ironed.

Randwick City Council does not offer any pest control service in relation to bed bugs. Residents affected by an infestation should consult the services of a licensed pest controller.

For further information on bed bugs, please visit the Department of Medical Entomology – Bed Bug

Last Updated: 24 October 2022
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