Ella Reserve

Ella Reserve

36R Lucas Avenue, Malabar NSW 2036

36R Lucas Avenue, Malabar NSW 2036
  • Dogs may be exercised off the leash
  • Playground
  • Litter bin

  • Playground Fenced
  • Shade structure
  • Park seat

  • No smoking or vaping within 10m of playground area
  • Dogs prohibited within 10m of playground
  • Golf practice prohibited

Ella Reserve in Malabar is a large open park. With lots of grass and a mixture of mature and infant trees, it is a great place for your family, and your dog, to get some outdoor exercise. There is also a fully fenced, nautical themed children’s playground that includes slides, a climbing ship, platforms, tunnels and swings. There is softfall flooring and shade structures over the playground. There is also plenty of park seating and natural shade surrounding the playground. The park is a dedicated off leash dog exercise park, but dogs are prohibited from entering the playground fenced area.

Ella Reserve in Malabar is a large open park. With lots of grass and a mixture of mature and infant trees, it is a great place for your family, and your dog, to get some outdoor exercise. There is also a fully fenced, nautical themed children’s playground that includes slides, a climbing ship, platforms, tunnels and swings. There is softfall flooring and shade structures over the playground. There is also plenty of park seating and natural shade surrounding the playground. The park is a dedicated off leash dog exercise park, but dogs are prohibited from entering the playground fenced area.


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Last Updated: 13 September 2023
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