Beneath the Waves (La Perouse Primary School)

23 September – 22 October 2023

Beneath the Waves is an artwork that weaves together the Aboriginal dreaming story of the Buriburi (whale), infusing it with contemporary significance. The artwork was created by students at La Perouse Primary School.

The buriburi, a symbol of ancient wisdom, serves as a reminder of our roots and the power of storytelling. Guided by the teachings of the Dreaming, our young people stand as torchbearers of tradition and carers of the land.

The Dreaming imparts invaluable lessons, nurturing an unbreakable connection to the environment. An important aspect of the artwork process was for community members to be invited in and for our elders to pass down their knowledge of country and culture. This intergenerational exchange isn’t just about passing knowledge – it’s a transformative journey that shapes these young advocates. The artwork recognises that caring for the country is a sacred responsibility that transcends time, and it is up to us to advocate for country.

The artwork calls us to the Dreaming, embraces our role as carers of country, and acknowledges that even as little children, our voices hold immeasurable weight in the tapestry of change.

Curator: Tanya Michel

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