FOGO waste service starts today!

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Sustainability & Environment
First FOGO collection

NOTE: This news article was accurate at the time it was posted. Visit FOGO to see the latest information.

Randwick Council’s new FOGO waste service was launched today, Monday 1 March 2021, with Randwick Mayor Danny Said and Cleanaway GM David Clancy joining contractors Blake and Imi on their first collection in Kensington.

The service, which accepts food waste and garden organics in the same green lid bin, will divert up to 40% of waste that would previously have been sent to landfill and will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases produced.

Green bins collected weekly

Green lid FOGO bins will now be collected weekly and the collection of red lid bins will be fortnightly for those living in houses and weekly for those living in apartments or who share bins with other households.

Along with new green lid bins, residents have also been presented with new kitchen caddies, compostable bin liners and a welcome pack, explain how to use the new service. The welcome pack and additional resources can be downloaded from this page.

bin collection

How to FOGO

  1. Put a green compostable liner into the kitchen caddy.
  2. Place all food scraps into the caddy.
  3. When the liner is full, place it in the green lid FOGO bin.
  4. Place garden waste, soiled pizza boxes, used paper towels and kitty litter in the FOGO bin along with food waste.
  5. Put the FOGO bin out for collection each week and start collecting food scraps again.

Imi, Danny Said and Blake 600 x 350

Last Updated: 20 June 2023
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