Ingram Street Reserve

Ingram Street Reserve

2R Ingram Street, Kensington NSW 2033

2R Ingram Street, Kensington NSW 2033
  • Playground
  • Litter bin

  • No smoking or vaping within 10m of playground area
  • Dogs prohibited within 10m of playground
  • Glass prohibited

Ingram Street Reserve is located on the corner of Ingram Street and Dowling Lane in Kensington. It offers a peaceful park space with children’s play equipment, some scattered natural shade and park seating. The playground boasts a climbing frame and platforms, monkey bars, a swing set and softfall flooring. There is also a junior bike track and footpath through the reserve for safe access.

Ingram Street Reserve is located on the corner of Ingram Street and Dowling Lane in Kensington. It offers a peaceful park space with children’s play equipment, some scattered natural shade and park seating. The playground boasts a climbing frame and platforms, monkey bars, a swing set and softfall flooring. There is also a junior bike track and footpath through the reserve for safe access.


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Last Updated: 24 October 2022
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