Safety tips for a happy Halloween

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Council, Children
Halloween Decorations

Thursday 31 October 2019 is Halloween. Australians have embraced the Halloween tradition and each year, thousands of children hit the streets to go 'trick or treating'. While this is great fun, it can also pose risks. Keep your kids safe this Halloween with these simple tips.


With more children out on streets and crossing driveways, motorists are urged to take extra care on the roads this Halloween. Driveways in particular pose a common hazard as drivers will often reverse out quickly.

Children may also become disoriented and lost during twilight and night time hours. The added excitement can also add an element of unpredictability in children's' behaviour and they may be more active than usual.

Finish off your children's costume with non-toxic face paint instead of masks or helmets so as not to obstruct their vision. Having them carry glow sticks, wear bright costumes and reflective stickers will also also help them stand out and be seen. It is also advisable to avoid sharp edged objects like plastic swords or weapons on your child's costume.

Consumption of allergy triggers such as peanuts may be a concern when collecting treats. Kindly decline any homemade or unlabeled treats to avoid hidden triggers and have medical supplies on hand.

Children under 12 years should be accompanied by an adult and should never enter a car or house for a treat. A good solution is to have one adult supervise a group of children on their 'trick or treat' outing. Many parents will also prearrange which houses their children will visit. If your children are old enough to go out unsupervised, make sure they understand these safety basics.

Happy Halloween Randwick City!

Last Updated: 1 March 2022
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